Tax Rate Changes

I love the phrase “I’m from the government, I’m here to help!”. Every time I hear it I have a little laugh, so when the tax rates are changed under the guise of making the tax system “simpler” and more “transparent” I fall off my chair and roll around on the ground in...

Recent ATO Prosecutions

Here are some results of recent ATO prosecutions involving tax crime. As I remind all my clients it doesn’t pay to try and rort the system, you will get caught. (Even an accountant thought he could get away with it!). The results: – An unemployed man from...

Private Health changes

Private Health Changes It’s looking like the government is going to get its changes to the private health rebate and medicare levy surcharge enacted into legislation. If it becomes law then the changes will come into effect for the 2013 tax year onwards (so for your...