Building Industry Clients – New ATO report due soon:

From 1 July 2012, businesses in the building and construction industry are required to report the total amount they have paid to each contractor who provided them with building and construction services during year. Businesses need to report the contractor’s...

No more Refund cheques:

The ATO are advising that from 1 July 2013 it will no longer be issuing refund cheques to people. Instead it will only be refunding money via EFT bank transfer. Now that’s what I call good corporate social responsibility.

Google Reader on Deaths Door – Good Business:

Google has notified users of it’s best software product “Google Reader” that they are closing it down as of June this year. This is a bit of a problem for those of us who choose to use RSS and a web based reader for our aggregated news fix as there are no other RSS...

Small business ownership – The best way to get ahead:

If you’re working for someone else and dream of getting ahead in life….. stop dreaming, it’s not going to happen! With Australia’s progressive tax rates you just end up paying substantially more tax the harder you work. That isn’t a problem if you are...